Fernando de Carvalho Gomes
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FERNANDO DE CARVALHO GOMES (carvalho@lia.ufc.br)
Rua Canuto de Aguiar 1170/601
60160-120 Fortaleza CE
Tel.: +, Fax: +55.85.288-9847
- Master of Science
MsC. in Computer Science, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Computing and Systems Dept., 1989.
- Doctorate
PhD, Universite Montpellier II, France, 1992, Laboratoire d'Informatique Robotique et Microelectronique de Montpellier- Pos-Doctorate
University of Ottawa, Canada, 2001, School of Information Technologies and Engineering
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Heuristic Programming
AI in medicine and finance
- Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal do Ceará, at Fortaleza, in the Computer Science Department.
- Research Grant CNPq, categoria 2B, working in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA), grant n° 300708/93-9.
- Ad-hoc Consultant in the State Foundadion for Research Support (FUNCAP).
Optimization in Telecommunication Problems
Enhancing EEG results using decision lists (Data Mining)
Metaheuristic Search in Machine Learning
Climate Prediction using Data Mining
Carvalho-Gomes, F., Gidas, B., Robertson, C., "Model-Based Tracking of Moving Objects in Cluttered Environments". Quartely of Applied Mathematics 60, 2001.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., Oliveira C. A., Resende, M., Pardalos, P., "Reactive GRASP with Path Relinking for Channel Assignment in Mobile Phone Networks" In: DIAL M 2001, Roma. Proceedings of the VII ACM Annual Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Piscataway, NJ: ACM, 2001.
Carvalho-Gomes, Leitão F., Matwin, S., "Comparing Diagnostic Models for CPA Tumors" In: 2001 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, 2001, Las Vegas.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. Leitão, F., Diógenes, S., "A Diagnostic Model for Cerebellum Pontine Angle Tumors". Arquivos Brasileiros de Neuropsiquiatria. , v.58, n.1, p.57 - 63, 2000.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. "Descoberta de Conhecimento em Banco de Dados - Data Mining" In: Escola de Informática do Nordeste - EINE 99 ed. Porto Alegre : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 1999.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. Menezes, C. Lima, A. and Oliveira, C. "Asynchronous Organizations for Solving the Point-to-Point Connection Problem ".Proc. of the Intl. Conference on Multiagents Systems, IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
Carvalho-Gomes, Viana, R. and Thomaz, C. " Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, andTabu Search Metaheuristics Parallelization ".Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, pp 101-104, 1997.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. and Bonin, J. C. "Heuristic Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Visual Servoing". Scitec, Switzerland, Advanced Manufacturing Forum Vol. 1, pp.127-136, 1995.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. and Gascuel, O. "SDL, an stochasticalgorithm for learning decision lists with limited complexity ".Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 10, pp 281-302, 1994.
Carvalho-Gomes, F, and PEQUENO, T. H. C. "Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium of Artificial Intelligence", Ed: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1994.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. and Gascuel, O. " Learning with Limited Complexity " . X Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 1993.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., Bezerra, C. and Macambira, H. "Course Schedule Using Metaheuristics". XXVI Brazilian Symposium on Operational Research, 1994.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., Mongiovi, G. e Menezes-Silva, H., "Um Método de Extração de Conhecimento a Partir de Exemplos". V Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial. 1988.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., Mongiovi, G. e Menezes-Silva, H., "Um Sistema para Aquisição de Conhecimento a Partir de Exemplos". IX Congresso Latino-Americano de Informática. Buenos Aires, 1988.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. e Gascuel, O., "Utilisation d’Algorithmes Stochastiques en Apprentissage". III Journées Symboliques-Numeriques. Paris, 1992.
Carvalho-Gomes, F. e Gascuel, O., "Learning Decision Lists with Limited Complexity Using Stochastics Methods". II International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale”. 1992.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., "APPREND: Um Sistema para Aquisição Automática do Conhecimento a Partir de Exemplos". Dissertação de Mestrado, apresentada para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Informática, na UFPB. 1988.
Carvalho-Gomes, F., "Utilisation d’Algorithmes Stochastiques en Apprentissage". PhD Thesis, Département d’Informatique Foundamentale, Université Montpellier II. 1992.